The Cause That Gives Notice To "Freedom From Abuse" Rock Purple!

Welcome To Rock Purple 

Rock Purple is a nationwide movement of people who believe in ABUSE Recovery— and support agencies, organizations and people who strive to not just talk about abuse but help people overcome it. The movement was started by Talia Moore an abuse recovery specialist who has a heart to not only see people face their abuse but overcome it!

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People Who Have Shared Stories About Abuse

Support Rock Purple Online! 

Support Rock Purple Today by join our online FB Community "ROCK PURPLE" join discussions and share your stories about abuse you endured. Also grab a picbadge at and get your I ROCK PURPLE FOR ABUSE RECOVERY picbadge! Twitter about Rock Purple by stating any sentence using #ROCKPURPLE! Wear purple and take a picture, add a purple ribbon to your profile pic! What ever you do, show your support for abuse recovery!